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3 Benefits of Getting BIBs Insulation for Your Home

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a professional installing insulation in a homeInsulation is one of the top investments you can get for your home, and it has many types. If you’re planning to get one or replace an old one, consider getting a blow in blanket system (BIBS). Keep these benefits in mind if you’re thinking of getting one for your home in Kansas City:

BIBS does not contain formaldehyde.

Insulation helps improve safety in your home; as long as you choose the safest one for you and your entire family. BIBS has no formaldehyde. If the level of this chemical in the air is higher than 0.1 ppm (parts per million), you may experience coughing, wheezing, skin irritation, and a burning sensation in the throat, nose, and eyes.

BIBS prevents mold growth.

Insulation hinders the growth of mildew and molds. Unfortunately, there are types of insulation that doesn't do this effectively. When you're exposed to mold and mildew for a long time, you could experience similar symptoms when exposed to formaldehyde. These include coughing, skin irritation, and nasal stuffiness. If you have small children, senior adults, and pregnant women at home, you have to be vigilant in limiting exposure to these.

BIBS offers seamless installation.

Insulation helps you save energy in your home. It keeps the cool air in when it’s hot outside and keeps the hot air in when the weather outside is cold. If you don’t want to waste your investment in insulation, you have to choose a type that offers seamless installation, which means there are no gaps or voids.

If you’re looking for a meaningful home investment or upgrade, consider getting a BIBs insulation for your home. Do not waste time by wasting money on DIY solutions. Get reliable BIBs installers and get your home upgraded.