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Product packaging

3 Considerations to Make before Deciding on Your Product’s Packaging

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Product packagingProduct development is a long and challenging process. You start with coming up with a product that could fill a gap in the market. You proceed with developing a marketing strategy through which you could sell your product. And, on the latter end of the process, you come up with the most enticing packaging.

As for the logistics of packaging, there’s not much to fret about given there are accessible packaging solutions in the market such as the automatic carton packing machine. Your concern, however, should involve the packaging’s actual look and design. These are what you need to consider.


Our highly globalized markets have become rather competitive. To get noticed in a horde of similar market offers, strong branding is key. When your product goes through careful branding, chances are you’ll get your packaging right as well.


On average, consumers read only seven words the entire duration of their shopping trip. They instinctively respond, however, to colours, shapes and designs. These are all packaging-related. It is, therefore, safe to conclude that the best way to convey your message as a brand is by co-opting the subliminal powers of colours, shapes, and designs, aside from whatever text you decide to include in your packaging.

Target Consumer

Knowing your target market is integral to effective packaging. Consumers respond to a sense of emotional attachment to products on display. This is something you cannot maximise if you have not laid out who you are selling to in the first place.

Packaging, when done effectively, will entice customers to try your product. This is the most you can aspire for if you’re new in the market. And the mere fact that a consumer bought your product due to its outside look and design should already be considered as a kind of triumph. But it does not stop there. Now your actual product has to deliver.


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