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10 Tips for Safe, Clean & Healthy Communities

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It is no secret that communities are the backbone of our society. From the smallest town to the largest city, it is the people within these boundaries that make up the fabric of our lives. As such, it is important for these communities to be safe, clean, and healthy for all who reside within them.

Who doesn’t want to live in a safe, clean, and healthy community? Well, it’s possible! Below are ten simple tips that residents can follow to help improve their communities.

person pouring a soil

1. Plant Trees

Planting trees not only helps create shade but also reduces air pollution, adds oxygen into the air, and keeps our planet green.

With just one tree producing approximately 260 pounds of oxygen per year, imagine how many trees would be needed to produce the amount of oxygen needed for an entire city!

2. Open a Curb-Side Recycling Program

Curb-side recycling programs help reduce the amount of waste that goes into our landfills and also help beautify neighborhoods.

Not only does it make a more sustainable environment, but many local governments will pay residents to recycle their garbage!   This is a win for all – saving money on disposal fees and creating a more beautiful landscape.

3. Adopt a Green Cleaning Policy

Standard cleaning products can contain lots of chemicals that are harmful to both people and pets, not to mention the planet.

By switching from chemical cleaners to green cleaners, residents create a cleaner environment for themselves as well as those around them by reducing health risks such as asthma.

4. Plant a Garden

The simple act of planting a garden helps build community bonds, provides fresh produce to local food banks, and also beautifies neighborhoods.

Having a garden in the neighborhood is a great way to bring people together. From planting and harvesting crops to sharing in your bounty with others, a community garden helps create connections among neighbors while also reducing the local grocery bill.

5. Encourage Public Art

For many communities, it is typical to see run-down neighborhoods. The best way to combat this wear and tear is through street art.

Public art not only creates a more beautiful landscape but also encourages mindfulness. Studies have shown that people are more likely to be helpful when in the presence of public art.

6. Keep the Streets Clean

One of the simplest ways to help keep a community clean is to encourage everyone, whether residents or visitors, to take part in keeping the streets clean.

People are much more likely to litter if they see others littering around them. By working together as a community and keeping the streets clean, there is a better chance at reducing litter and other forms of blight.

Also, contact municipal sweeping services to ensure that all of your environmentally-sensitive areas are cleaned regularly.

7. Install Trash Cans

One of the simplest ways to help fight litter is by installing trash cans at regularly traveled areas such as bus stops and parks.

This is an important step in keeping a community clean and safe. It may be inconvenient to place trashcans throughout the city, but it will become much more convenient when neighborhoods are beautiful and litter-free.

8. Encourage and Support Businesses

Not only does supporting local businesses help our economy, but it also maintains the character of a community.

Rather than having multi-national corporations pour into communities, residents should support their locally owned businesses that are committed to keeping the city beautiful.

9. Hold Community Events & Festivals

One of the best ways to build community bonds is through shared experience. A fantastic way to do this is by holding fun social events such as carnivals or fairs for residents to attend with their families and friends.

Not only does this brings people together, but it also gives them something fun to do, which results in happier residents! Also, when there are activities scheduled in communities, it encourages everyone within them to be on their best behavior.

10. Keep Your Local Government Accountable

Last but not least, it is very important to keep your local government accountable for maintaining clean and beautiful neighborhoods.

Keeping them informed of how you feel about the condition of your community is a good first step, even if you do not live in an incorporated area. If enough people speak up, city officials will be forced to notice and make changes necessary to improve conditions across the city!

We hope these tips will help you create a cleaner, healthier and safer community. If you have any other ideas on how to make your neighborhood better for all of its residents, let us know!

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