The focal point of many living rooms is the sofa. It is where families, relatives, and guests gather to spend some quality time. This is why it’s highly prone to external damages, like dirt and stains. By choosing the right colour and fabric, however, you can avoid this and make your sofa last for many years.
Dark-Coloured Fabric
Black or any shade of deep and dark colours can hide any dirt or stain, which is ideal if you’re too busy to clean its fabric regularly. For instance, dark red or brown sofas make it possible to vacuum the surface every day and probably do the washing only once in two months. Even if this is the case, you should still keep in mind the hazards of keeping a dirty sofa for too long.
Light-Coloured Slipcovers
Many people believe that they should stay away from white, neutral, and light-coloured sofas because these are difficult to clean. If you always make time to maintain the sofa, this wouldn’t be a problem. Slipcovers are affordable, replaceable, and machine washable. Even if your sofa gets dirty, you can replace its fabric right away. In fact, you can use bleach to remove stains without worrying about fading.
Solid Colour Leather
Leather sofas give a unique touch to any area and make a good impression to anyone who walks into the room, according to Simply Stylish Sofas. They also resist dirt, pet fur, and stains, which makes it easier to clean. All you have to do is wipe it with a damp cloth and it’ll look good as new. Leather goes well with solid colours, such as red, brown, and black.
The right fabric and colour can make any living room family-friendly. A black or red leather sofa, for instance, can just save you from the frustrations of cleaning and maintenance.