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Social Media integration

Effective Digital Marketing: Integrating Social Media to Your Sales Funnel

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According to Internet marketing experts, social media has single-handedly transformed the landscape of digital marketing by changing the way people communicate on a global scale. This encouraged Internet marketers to capitalise on social media and integrate the different platforms available into their marketing practices to get more exposure, better quality leads, and higher conversions. Here are some of the ways social media can be an effective outlet to increase business profits from Voodoo Creative:

  • spread the brand range and exposure to more people
  • get influential word-of-mouth commendations from satisfied consumers and persons of authority
  • the ability to interact with your target audience
  • encourage the development of loyalty for the brand
  • provide an outlet where you can listen and learn from your customers and respond quickly to their comments and other feedback regarding your products or services
  • the ability to produce more website traffic and integrate it to existing marketing programs

Graphic design specialists recommend hosting a lead generating promo on your website and preferred social media platform. Use the features available to organise a promotion and email it, so participants will provide their email to be eligible for the offer.

Social Media integration

Examples of your lead generating offer may include:

  • An e-book directly related to your field or business
  • A free webinar that specifically for your target market
  • A collection of DIY content
  • Free coupons for an online shop
  • A simple contest conducted on social media with an interesting prize

Nurture Social Media Leads

Understand that the best lead generating strategies involve providing your target market with a perception of value. According to Internet marketing experts, leads that were generated through social media need to be nurtured differently than those from your website. This is because social media users enter the sales funnel earlier in the buying process when compared to other leads. This is why you need to be extra careful with them. Do not inundate them with information they do not need yet. Establish a segment of your email marketing strategy for leads generated in social media. Make sure to send them only relevant information that will guide them in the decision-making process once they are ready for conversion.