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Experiencing Pregnancy Milestones

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Pregnancy is a magical thing. There are many moments in this journey that are full of emotional highs. You and your partner may be trying to conceive. Or you are just starting to embark on the next nine months of nurturing a child inside you. Whatever the case may be, here are some pregnancy milestones that are worth noting.

The First Time to See Your Baby

Congratulations! You and your partner have confirmed your pregnancy with a home test. Even without a consultation yet, you can book for a private ultrasound scan in the UK. It depends on how far along you are in your pregnancy. This non-invasive test will look at some vital things. Some of which are the formation of a gestational sac, a heartbeat, and the adequacy of the amniotic fluid. Technically, even in black and white, this is the first glimpse you have of your baby.

A Strong Signal of Pregnancy

Each pregnancy is different. But one of the most beautiful moments is when you have a symptom that shows that you are indeed pregnant. One symptom that many women like are their food cravings. When you first experience a food craving, it is a perfect excuse to get pampered. Go ahead and indulge reasonably, even if your craving may be a little bizarre.

Three Months After

The first three months are the most crucial period in the development of the fetus. Many miscarriages also happen during this time. Some couples even wait for this phase to pass before they tell loved ones. A visible baby bump can also be seen after the first trimester. Lastly, the start of the second trimester is also called the “honeymoon phase” of pregnancy. Thus, the end of the first trimester is indeed a reason to celebrate.

Hearing the Pitter-patter of Heartbeat

pregnant woman brushing her teeth

A fetal Doppler is used for you to hear your baby’s heartbeat for the first time. Although it may sound a little different than an adult’s heartbeat, you will be able to distinguish it. A strong heartbeat is a good sign that everything is going well with your pregnancy.

The First Flutter of Movement

For the most part before this milestone, everything still seems to be surreal. But when you have your quickening, you might feel strange and overjoyed at the same time. It may start as a soft movement. But as the baby develops, you might get surprised with kicks and thumps. An occasional elbow jab or a foot will be clear on your tummy.

The Blue Versus the Pink Team

Waiting for around five to six months to finally know the gender is worth it. Knowing if you are having a boy or a girl is one of the pregnancy moments that you would not forget. Some couples opt not to know until the delivery date. Some organize a gender reveal party to celebrate this milestone.

Love at First Sight

Among the many things that one can remember from pregnancy, this is the most memorable. You are in for a ride from the first pangs of labor to hearing your precious one cry for the first time. Seeing your baby and holding them in your arms for the first time are a moment that you wouldn’t want to forget.

Pregnancy may be filled with little inconvenient things. Among these are weight gain, incontinence, or sleepless nights. But the small and beautiful moments downplay all these inconveniences. Carrying a life inside you is a sweet miracle.

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