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The Five Forms of a Problematic Employee

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Employees play a significant role in every company. They take up various positions such as managers, human resources, etc. Without employees, a company can quickly fail. In comparison, good employees can lead a company to success. However, most businesses put a lot of value into their employees without knowing that their employees can also be the main problem resulting in their downfall.

Problematic Employees

Problematic employees are those who don’t work well with others, don’t follow orders, or are constantly causing drama, but they are not just limited to these things. Essentially, these types of employees can be a significant burden on a company and can even lead to the company’s demise.

Employees can be problematic in several ways. One of them is by being absent often.

Employee Absenteeism

Employee absenteeism can cost a company thousands of dollars every year. Studies have found that the cost of employee absenteeism is about $3,600 per year for each hourly worker and can be as high as $2,650 per salaried worker.

There are several reasons why employees may be absent from work. Some of them may have legitimate reasons, such as illness or taking care of a sick family member. But some take advantage of the system and use their absences as an excuse not to work.

Another way problematic employees can cost a company is by being constantly late.

Lateness Costs Companies

Being late may not seem like a big deal, but it can cost a company a lot of money. For example, if an employee is late for their shift, it can cause a domino effect that makes the rest of the employees late. As a result, it can lead to production delays and ultimately result in a loss of money for the company.

In addition, lateness also decreases productivity. When an employee is late, it not only affects them, but also affects the people they work with. It can lead to a decrease in productivity and an overall decrease in the quality of work.

Problematic employees can also cost a company by being unproductive.

Male employee meditating at workplace sitting in yoga pose with eyes closed, not listening to screaming boss

Unproductive Employees

An unproductive employee is someone who doesn’t do their fair share of work or isn’t productive when working. They can cost a company a lot because you’re paying someone to do nothing.

In addition, unproductive employees can also cause other employees to become unproductive. When someone isn’t doing their job, it can make the people around them less likely to do their job. As a result, it can lead to a decrease in productivity and an overall decrease in the quality of work.

Problematic employees can also cost a company by causing drama.

Drama Causing Employees

Drama-causing employees are those who are always causing problems, whether it’s with other employees or with customers. This can damage a company’s overall morale and make it difficult to get work done.

In addition, drama-causing employees can lead to fights among employees, which can be disruptive and costly. They may also cause customers to avoid your business altogether.

It can also damage your business’s overall reputation, which can be problematic in the long run.

Employees Who Steal

There are also employees who steal all sorts of resources from your business. It’s estimated that about 75% of employees have stolen from their employees. Although most have stolen office supplies like pens and paper, some have even stolen things like computers and other electronics.

This can cost a company a lot of money, but it can also damage its reputation. If word gets out that your employees are stealing, it will be challenging to attract new customers.

So, how can you deal with these problematic employees? The first step is talking to them.

Having a Talk

If you have an employee who is causing problems, the first thing you should do is talk to them. This will allow you to find out what’s going on and try to resolve the issue.

If the problem is that they’re constantly absent, try to find out why. For example, if they have a legitimate reason, like they’re sick, see if there’s anything you can do to help them. However, if they’re taking advantage of the system, you may need to take disciplinary action.

Talking can drastically change a problematic employee’s behavior for the better. However, if it doesn’t get any better, you might have to terminate them.


If an employee is causing more problems than they’re worth, you may have to terminate them. This is the last resort, but sometimes it’s necessary.

When terminating an employee, it’s essential to do it correctly. First, you should meet with the employee and let them know what they did wrong and why they’re being terminated. It’s also essential to give them a chance to explain themselves.

However, if they still don’t improve, you may have to let them go. You might need a professional to help you with this, especially if the employee is threatening to sue. An employment mediator can help you reach a mutually beneficial agreement without needing to go to court. Working out a solution before bringing this problem to court is in your best interest.

Employees can be a tremendous asset to a company, but they can also cause many problems. However, by talking to them, you’re likely to improve their behavior. If not, it might be better to terminate them.

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