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Honey, I’m Leaving You: Breaking the News of Divorce to Your Husband

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Divorce lawyer in ProvoIt’s been years since you’ve been unhappy with your marriage. You’ve done some counselling in an effort save your relationship, and compromised a lot, hoping that you can bring things back the way they used to be. The sad part is, they didn’t work, and you’re thinking of getting a divorce and leaving your husband.

When you’ve finally reached a decision, breaking the news to your partner may seem the hardest thing to do. Besides, it may mean hurting your family, kids, and husband, and ending what was once beautiful. While this may seem difficult and heartbreaking, you also know that you have to say it.’s divorce lawyer in Provo offers a few suggestions on telling your husband you want a divorce.

Be Kind and Gentle

When you’re ready to break the news, be gentle and kind as possible. You can begin by saying, “I know it’s hard for you, but I think our marriage is falling apart…” Don’t blame your spouse for what has happened in your relationship. It is always advisable to part in a kind and respectful way to make the divorce process go in a less stressful way.

Find the Right Time

Timing is everything when bringing up the topic of divorce. Consider telling the news when you’re calm and when both of you have a personal time together. It is best to state your feelings about the relationship and avoid letting negative emotions take you over. Make sure to tell your fears and sorrow about breaking the news.

Keep Safe

If you think that your husband will accept the news in a negative way, you may consider breaking the news in front of another person like a psychologist or therapist. You may also talk about the divorce in a public place where other people will be around you. It is best to look for ways to promote mutual understanding and reduce anger.

When you finally break the news, get ready for a long discussion. If your husband is not ready for divorce, he may do some convincing or even express his disappointment and anger. The best thing you can do is to act rational or get help from a divorce attorney or therapist.

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