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Up a Notch: How Blog Writing takes SEO to the Next Level

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The web can be a very competitive space, and only a certain number of sites can get the desirable first page ranking on the search engine results pages (SERP). Even after you have optimized every page, worked on the entire link building basics, conducted a dedicated keyword research and created a visually appealing site, you might still be lacking in something., a leading Digital Marketing Company located in Manila, Philippines, shares the following details to help you understand how the process works:

Ramping Up your Content Marketing Strategies

A good SEO service providing company will advise you on the importance of content writing and blogging. The following are some strategies to help increase your rankings on search engines:

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  • Create a blog page and submit fresh content to it daily.
  • Submit articles and guest blog posts to the website itself.
  • Create videos along with blogs and upload them on the site.
  • Come up with other materials, such as e-books, guides, and whitepapers.
  • If you do not have the manpower, content writers can be outsourced to give a boost to your online advertising campaign.

Improving the Quality of your Blogs

Remember, online readers have a very short attention span compared to offline readers. So, while contributing blogs daily is a good idea, the contents themselves must be attention-grabbing. The strategies that are known to work include the following:

  • Have short paragraphs with just five or six sentences.
  • Have short sentences with just about 30 words on each of them.
  • Use active voice as much as possible.
  • Try to have appropriate subheadings.
  • Organize sections with bullet points.
  • Invite shares and comments wherever appropriate.
  • Try to incorporate info-graphics and images if suitable.
  • Do not overuse the keywords and phrases inappropriately.

Providing Compelling Headings and Subheadings

In your blogs, concentrate on the quality of the contents and the search engine will find you. Do not aim and write for search engines. Think from the readers’ perspective while creating subheadings.

Have the keywords in the headings and give priority to the social signals. Google favors social signals like a share, comment or like. It is also true that shorter title headlines are easier to retweet. So, that’s one way of appearing on Twitter, too. You can even ‘coin’ the headline after you have written your blog instead of before. You should attempt to use engaging words that will bring in more clicks.

Thus, well-written and captioned blogs can go a long way in increasing your search engine rankings.