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Shoulder Injuries

Shoulder Injuries: When to Take Legal Action

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Shoulder InjuriesShoulder injuries are treated with surgery, arthroscopic shoulder surgery to be exact. Undergoing the procedure involves the use of pain pumps to the surgical site, which can cause permanent harm to the shoulder’s cartilage. This then evolves to the development of the PAGCL, better known as Postarthroscopic Glenhumeral Chondrolysis.

While there are different factors that could possibly be causing your shoulder pain, Miller & Steiert, P.C. helps you in determining when you should take legal action for your shoulder injury after undergoing surgery.

The following are the initial symptoms associated with PAGCL, upon onset of which will be substantial grounds to take legal action with:

  • Decreased range of motion
  • Clicking, grinding or popping
  • Pain while at rest
  • Stiffness or weakness
  • Pain while in motion

To understand the condition better, it is imperative that you understand what PAGCL does to your shoulder. The joint on your shoulder consists of a ball at the end of the arm bone and a socket on the shoulder blade.

Like all joints, there is a layer of cartilage that allows movement of the arm and the shoulder to be smooth. The breaking down of that cartilage, called Chondrolysis, is caused by the use of pain pumps to the shoulder during the surgery.

The cartilage in the ball and socket of the shoulder is responsible for making circular motions and the movement of the arms towards and away the body possible. The cartilage reduces friction, making movement easier.

If left unchecked, the bones will begin to deteriorate and the whole joint of the shoulder may need to be replaced with prosthetics. This makes the condition grave and enough reason to sue the medical practitioner that performed the surgery.

While it is normal to feel discomfort and pain after surgery, its prolonged effects may be a permanent effect. Distinguish which is which and take the necessary legal action if needed.

Be sure to ask the legal advice of an attorney who specializes in shoulder injury claims to help you get the adequate compensation and coverage you deserve.