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The Government In Colors: Different Ways to Leverage Multimedia for Government Offices

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Ever since the dawn of multimedia technology, various business entities have found ways to leverage it. It started in the entertainment industry first. Various performers and directors used multimedia to show a different variety of expressions through a new medium. This eventually led to colored shows on television, creating a new kind of entertainment for everyone. Then came TV advertisements.

When everyone owned a television, many industries started to leverage the untapped power of multimedia into their businesses. TV advertisements became the norm alongside sponsorships in radio stations. Even the government was using multimedia as a way to disseminate information to its citizens. It was a revolutionary way to market different products from companies, almost creating a multi-million-dollar market overnight.

The usage of multimedia has come a long way since then. Today, we no longer rely on mere television to advertise products. We now rely on the existence of the internet. Multimedia has found great strives on the internet because, unlike TV, the internet can go global. So if you’re looking to promote your local government office, you can use these various multimedia mediums to your advantage.


We’re all aware of the saying of “pictures speak louder than words.” This saying is essential in multimedia marketing more than anywhere else. This is the core foundation of any multimedia marketing campaign and your main gateway into leveraging the industry.

The core part of photography and pictures in multimedia marketing is that photos are more engaging. People process images faster than words. They are also more likely to look at pictures than words when it comes to advertisements. Additionally, people are more likely to retain whatever they saw in the image for more extended periods. Images are also universal, which means it has a lower chance to be lost in translation when presenting the same advertisement globally. The most significant part about photos is that they have the possibility of going viral on social media sites.

When leveraging images as a marketing tool for your company, social media sites are your friend. Posting pictures on social media sites is free, making this an essential marketing for any startup company. Images that are striking and visually-appealing can garner many views, which essentially gives you free exposure to the public.

To start using images on social media sites, you should think of an image representing your government office. This should be your first multimedia marketing campaign. Think of what your office stand for, what you have done through the years, and what you are willing to do for the people. Pictures that are altruistic in nature are a plus point. Add texts and flavor to your image to make it look striking to your target audience.

When it comes to call-to-action advertisements, such as open council jobs or a community-drive, you must combine both pictures and words. A study has found that words are stronger than pictures when you’re asking people to do something like applying for a job. So if you combine both picture and words, you are more likely to engage the community to join certain events and be a part of your office.
camera roll on someone's phone


Videos can be more engaging than images when done correctly. Videos have the opportunity to engage consumers for more prolonged periods because, unlike images, the content of a video is much longer. It takes a mere second to get information from an image. It takes at least a minute to get information from a video. But choosing the right social media site is essential.

Using videos on Facebook and Instagram can be more engaging than using Twitter. This is because Facebook and Instagram thrive on short video content compared to text and image-driven like Twitter. Additionally, altruistic videos that show the idea of helping others or returning a lost item to someone can also garner more views.

When promoting your government office through videos, it’s important to note what kind of information you would like to relay to the people. Unlike pictures, videos have more room for misinterpretation, so you must be delicate with your message. You can never go wrong with a subtle altruistic skit and using that to remind the people what the local government office has done for them. You can also do a simple speech, thanking the community for what they have done for you. These are all essential ways you can use videos to promote your office.

Using multimedia can increase your exposure and engagement with citizens two-times faster than merely meeting with them in daily town hall meetings. These images and videos can show your plans and what you have done in the past. But remember to be careful what you post since anything you post on the internet can be there forever.