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heavy machinery

Types of Scrapers for the Construction Industry

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Most people are now quitting their nine-to-five jobs to venture into one of the most lucrative sectors nowadays: construction. With everyone building residential or commercial properties, it is hard to miss a piece of the profits in this industry. There are, however, different strategies that you will need to maximize the revenue of your construction company, especially if you wish to be a federal contracting company. One of the primary elements that you will focus on is investing in the right machinery.

This might seem like a tall order for startups, more so when you see the prices on essential construction machinery. Fortunately, there are now various payment options available for the heavy machinery that you will need to ease the financial burden. Moreover, you can choose to invest in versatile machines that will handle multiple functions.

One of the most versatile machines is the scraper. This machine digs, hauls materials, and levels your construction site, among other functions. It is fast and is generally used in open areas where its speed can be maximized. The following are the types of scrapers that you can pick for your company:

Single-engine Wheeled Scraper

This is the most common type of scraper in construction. It comprises a bowl with an attached apron and ejector. The apron is dropped over the mound of earth that you want to move, while an ejector uses hydraulics to remove the load when it has been successfully moved. Thanks to the hydraulics, each part of your single-engine wheeled scraper can function separately. This makes it one of your construction site’s most versatile heavy machines.

Dual-engine Wheeled Scraper

This is used to move materials over a short distance. It resembles the single-engine wheeled scraper but has two engines. One of them will control the machine’s front wheels, while the other controls the rear wheels. Other than hauling materials, the dual-engine wheeled scraper is efficient for cut-and-fill tasks on narrow construction sites.

Elevating Scraper

construction site

This uses an electrically or hydraulically driven elevator, unlike the wheeled scraper that relies on an apron. The elevator will load materials into a bowl that will then dump them through the backward sliding of its floor. The elevator can be reversed to entirely and evenly finish the offloading.

Pull-type Scraper

This is a non-motorized heavy machine that is smaller than the other types of scrapers. It is towed by other machines to your site. It performs well in sandy, soft, and wet terrain, unlike wheeled scrapers. The pull-type scraper is, therefore, generally used for construction in adverse weather conditions or rough terrain.

Digging is one of the primary tasks on construction sites and generally the hardest. Most people assume that the excavator is their only choice for this task. But the scraper options given above can also efficiently handle this task. You can also use tractors, bulldozers, power shovels, backhoes, clamshells, and dredgers for your site’s digging.

You can thus guarantee that you will get an excavation machine, irrespective of your budget and needs. When shopping, make sure that you work with a reputable machine manufacturer or supplier. This way, you will get durable and original equipment parts that will not be hard to maintain or replace.

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