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family with a dog

5 Ways To Create a Pet-friendly Home Environment

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Very few things in life are as unconditionally loving as a pet. They’re always happy to see you, don’t judge you, and love you no matter what. It’s no wonder that so many people choose to share their lives with a furry (or not so furry) friend. According to the National Pet Owners Survey that was conducted from 2021 to 2022 by the American Pet Products Association (APPA), 70% of households, or about 90.5 million families in the US, own a pet. Most of those pets are dogs (64%), followed by cats (42%), fish (12%), birds (9%), and then reptiles, rabbits, and small mammals, each making up less than 5%.

As people’s lives have changed drastically over the past year, pets seem to be a constant source of love and companionship for many. And just like any other family member, you want them to be comfortable in your home. But that can be tough if you don’t have a pet-friendly home environment. Here are some ways to make your home more welcoming for your pet.

1. Restrict access to dangerous areas.

As a pet owner, you know it’s important to keep your furry friend safe. But did you know that some common household items and plants can be toxic to pets? To help make your home pet-friendly, you must restrict access to any areas where your pet might come into contact with these hazards.

One way to do this is to keep potential toxins out of reach, such as putting medication and cleaning supplies in high cabinets. You should also avoid using chemical pest control products around your home, as they can be harmful if ingested by pets. In addition, it’s essential to be aware of common plants that are poisonous to pets, such as lilies and azaleas. If you have any of these plants in your home, make sure they’re out of reach, or consider removing them altogether.

Another dangerous area for your pets is the pool. Every year, thousands of pets drown after falling into backyard pools. To help prevent this from happening, you can have a DIY pool fence installed. This will create a barrier between your pool and the rest of your yard, so your pet can’t accidentally wander in and get in danger. These are easy to find and set up, and they can help give you peace of mind knowing that your pet is safe.

2. Provide plenty of water and food bowls.

Every pet needs access to fresh water and food, so make sure you have plenty of bowls spread out around the house. That way, no matter where your pet is, they’ll always be able to quench their thirst or satisfy their hunger. And if you have more than one pet, it’s important to have enough bowls for each of them so that there’s no fighting over food or water.

Pets can be messy eaters; if their bowls are too small, they may spill food and water all over the floor. This can quickly lead to stained carpets and flooring, not to mention an unhappy pet. So look for bowls that are big enough, sturdy, and easy to clean. Put them in locations that are out of the way of foot traffic. With proper food and water bowls in place, you can help keep your home clean and your pet healthy.

3. Keep your pet’s bed clean and comfortable.

Your pet’s bed is their safe space, so it’s important to keep it clean and comfortable. Not only is this more hygienic for your pet, but it can also help to prevent the spread of germs and allergies. In addition, a comfortable bed will help your pet to sleep soundly and wake up feeling refreshed.

a dog is sleeping with a blanket over it

Wash their bedding often and ensure their bed is in a quiet, out-of-the-way spot where they can rest undisturbed. You might even want to get them a special pillow or toy to make their bed even more inviting. If you’re looking to make your home more pet-friendly, start with your pet’s bed. They will thank you for it!

4. Make sure your home is well-insulated.

If your home is poorly insulated, that can create a lot of problems for your pet during various weather conditions. Not only will they be uncomfortable, but they could also be at risk for health problems related to temperature extremes. If your home is not well insulated, their fur and other debris can easily end up in the air ducts, where it will be circulated throughout the house.

Insulation also helps to keep sound from traveling too far, so if your pet is prone to barking, insulation can help to reduce the noise level in your home. So if your home isn’t well insulated, now is the time to make some changes. By taking these steps, you’ll both be much happier for it in the long run.

5. Set up an easy way for them to go outside.

If your pet spends most of their time indoors, it’s important to set up an easy way for them to go outside when they need to relieve themselves. After all, even the best-behaved pet will need to use the bathroom from time to time. The last thing you want is for your pet to have an accident in your home. Not only is it unsanitary, but it can also damage your floors and furniture.

That might mean installing a doggie door or keeping their leash by the door so you can take them out quickly and without hassle. Another option is to create an outdoor potty area. This can be as simple as a small patch of grass or gravel in your yard. Either way, make sure it’s easily accessible for your pet, so they can take care of business when nature calls.

Creating a pet-friendly home environment doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. By making a few simple changes such as restricting access to dangerous areas, providing plenty of water and food bowls, keeping their beds comfortable, ensuring proper ventilation, and setting up an easy way outside, you can ensure that your furry family member feels right at home in your house.

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