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Going on a Date in a Pandemic? Here Are Some Ideas to Consider

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Because of the pandemic, many simple activities became more challenging, and topping that list is dating. Now we also need to consider the other person’s comfort levels in terms of going out and meeting new people, not to mention their stance on vaccinations and mask-wearing. Getting to know new people is one thing; getting to know them deeper is another level of challenge that we didn’t have before.

But no matter what stage you are in your romantic relationship and no matter the state of the world, there are always opportunities, and it’s never too late to get to know your partner better. Here are some tips and creative and romantic date ideas to get to know them better during the pandemic.

Do things with your hands

Nothing opens people up more than when they’re busy with hands-on activities and experiences. If you and your date are busy being productive during your date, the pressure to look cool and say the right thing comes off, and you two will certainly loosen up more. Here are some hands-on activities you can consider doing—make sure to look into where your date’s interests and passions lie.

  • Volunteer together. The COVID-19 crisis has caused so many to experience various hardships, from financial to housing, so you and your date can indeed find a sector of society that you can help during these times. You can volunteer to build houses with Habitat for Humanity or help distribute food at a soup kitchen. Whatever you decide, make sure you spend time with your date during breaks so you can talk to each other more.
  • Go on a picnic with a twist. Since it’s always a good idea to keep dates outdoors as long as we’re contending with the virus, you can set up a picnic and tweak it a little so that it matches both your personalities. You can consider going to a fruit-picking orchard and consume what you gather on one of the picnic tables, or you can incorporate another activity like preparing meals for each other and trading.

Consult with dating specialists

If you’re having a hard time meeting new people, consider enlisting the help of a professional matchmaker to help you find someone you can potentially spend the rest of your life with. And then, once you find somebody you feel is a good match, you can ask for help from these services since they also often have fantastic recommendations for creative and romantic ideas, COVID-19 or not.

The best part is that they have your profile and preferences on file. This way, they would know to suggest and prepare dates that would work for you and your date.

Make Zoom dates more interesting

woman using laptop

Suppose you and your date have no choice but to stay home, whether due to restrictions or because one of you has to self-isolate. In that case, you can always make your Zoom dates more spicy and interesting. Here are some virtual date ideas you can employ to get to know your date better:

  • Who says romance has to go just because you’re not together physically? Both of you can still set up a romantic candlelit dinner and then go out for a walk once you’ve had your meal. If the skies are clear, you can also do some star-gazing by assigning a constellation, doing research on it, and explaining the location and meaning to your date. Think of this virtual date as your very own take on Spike Jonze’s film Her.
  • How about some roleplaying games (RPG)? If you or your date are into RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons, why not play a few rounds to size up each other’s storytelling skills? It might also be able to help bring you two closer together since you’re essentially building a whole new world together.
  • Why not try something fun like reading each other’s birth charts? There is no denying that there has been astrology found a boom in popularity in the past few years, so why not look into each of your personalities and your compatibility as a couple during your Zoom date? Even if none of you are believers, it might be a fun way to spend a Zoom evening together.

Worth the Risk

The public health crisis has made so many activities that should be normal feel like even more work, but meeting the love of your life is always worth it. Try your hand at love even during these tumultuous times—believe that you deserve it.

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