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Home Maintenance: Making Money Out of Your House Waste

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There’s no denying how the modern world is producing so many waste products each year. By 2100, it’s expected that we’ll be producing three times as much waste as we do today. That’s why global institutions are taking steps to manage and eliminate waste through recycling, composting, energy repurposing, and sanitary landfill.

Keep in mind, however, that waste management begins at home. As a household member, be sure to reevaluate how you produce home waste products and manage them. Better yet, think of what you can do to turn these kinds of waste into wealth. Keep on reading to learn more about making money out of your household trash.

Home maintenance and improvement amid the pandemic

As your family gets stuck indoors due to the COVID-19 crisis, having a home maintenance and improvement project is a good idea. This includes general house cleaning and some home remodeling projects, which have spiked during this pandemic.

While you’re at it, expect to see tons of waste products accumulated over time and even generated as a result of your home renovation. As such, the best course of action is to hire a house rubbish clearance service. These cleaning professionals will help you sort your household items, declutter your house, and properly dispose of home waste products.

Generating money out of home waste management

Once you’ve sorted all your household items and decided to toss out your waste products, consider making money out of them first. Here’s how to generate money out of your home waste management:

  • Recycle household waste: It’s easy for any household to accumulate waste products over time. These include receipts, boxes, disposable bottles, and aluminum cans. When it comes to these, you have the option to throw them out, return them to the grocery stores, or send them to recycling companies. The last option is the most viable solution as you can make money. For receipts, use apps such as Checkout 51Ibotta, and Receipt Hog and scan them for earning points or cash. Also, put your cardboard boxes for selling in an online marketplace such as Boxcycle. Lastly, consider selling those disposable bottles and aluminum cans to recycling companies in your locality.
  • Sell your scrap metal items and reclaimed wood: A home renovation project during this pandemic will leave you with scrap metal materials and timber pieces. As such, it’s a good idea to sell these items for money. For your reclaimed woods, send an email with details and photos and get quotes from prospective buyers. For your scrap metals, consider selling them via

electronic devices

  • Sell old gadgets and electronic devices: It’s easy for today’s technology to get old and outdated. Think of game consoles, gadgets, home appliances, and other electronic devices that your family’s no longer using. You can sell them via online sites such as GreenBuybackuSell, and YouRenew or have them listed on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace. You can use this earned money to buy a new phone, the latest gadget, or even a modern home appliance.
  • Turn those junk mails into wealth: These junk mails aren’t necessarily ‘junks’ as you can generate income out of them. These include those coming from insurance, mortgage, banking, telecommunications, and travel companies. These companies usually send you mail updates and promotional materials. Instead of tossing them out, sign up for the Small Business Knowledge Center as a consumer panelist. From there, send these qualifying mails in pre-paid envelopes. If you’re fortunate enough, you can earn some points for gift cards.
  • Have a garage sale for old clothes: When it comes to used clothes, it’s best to have a garage sale once in a while. Do so if and when you and your family love to hoard clothes but leave them unused over time. If these clothes are no longer used but are still in good condition, sell them for money instead. Not only will you declutter your closets, but you’ll also make money through a garage sale.
  • Set up an online store for selling household items: Household items can build up over time. These include toys, dailies, magazines, books, as well as tools and equipment. If your household easily and quickly accumulates waste products, consider creating an online store and sell them once in a while. Not only will you declutter your house, but you’ll also make money out of doing so.

Key Takeaway

Surprisingly, you can turn your trash into cash. That said, be sure to hire house clearance and rubbish removal services to help you manage your home waste. Also, consider some of the valuable recommendations above for making money out of your home waste. All these will help you clean, declutter and maintain your house. Ultimately, you’ll help contribute to the global solid waste management efforts in your own simple ways.

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