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Importance of Dental Fillings in Tooth Decay Management

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Strand Dental in Tauranga Central“Every tooth in a man’s head is more valuable than a diamond.”

This saying emphasizes how a set of healthy, complete teeth is essential in improving a person’s physical appearance. Thus, consistent oral care and dental visits are necessary to keep your teeth strong and healthy until you reach adulthood. Dentists can detect early stages of tooth decay and control gum infection before it causes irreversible damage in your oral cavity.

Tooth Decay

Studies show that tooth decay is one of the most common chronic dental diseases worldwide. It is a condition wherein the enamel, which is the white, outer structure seen when smiling, becomes damaged due to infections.

Different substances in food and beverages may be stuck in the enamel especially when the teeth are not brushed and flossed regularly. Hence, a hardened plaque forms wherein bacteria can thrive and produce acids. The strong component leads to breakdown of enamel, which results to cavity formation and decay.

Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are commonly used to treat tooth decay. The dentist cleans the decayed area before attachment of dental fillings to eliminate current plaques in the enamel. In turn, the filling is placed in the cavities to ensure that bacteria can no longer grow in the spaces of the teeth. The fillings are usually comprised of gold, porcelain, amalgam or plastic.

The use of dental filling is necessary when the earliest sign of decay is detected by the dentist. Specialized mirrors and imaging tests are often used during check-ups to diagnose even the most obscure infection. If left untreated, the decay can penetrate deeper areas of the gums and root canal, which may cause extreme pain and discomfort.

The Bottom Line

The appearance of your teeth can define your physical appearance in the long run. Hence, you must have regular dental consultations because specialists can effectively diagnose and treat different oral diseases. They also know the most useful approach to ensure that only the slightest damage will occur in your teeth.

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