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Leverage Your Website to Boost Branding

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Your brand image is the combination of all the details of your company from the colors you use to the language to the message you convey. One aspect you can work on to improve awareness and boost appeal is your website. The site makes the initial impression on your intended market.

Experts on advertising and marketing mention the following ways you can leverage your website for branding purposes.

1. Set a goal for your website.

A clearly defined goal allows you to have a direction and strategy for your website. Does your site want to attract casual visitors looking for information? Is it an ecommerce site that sells your products and services?

When you are clear about this, it will be easier to create content, calls-to-action, and a brand message that will be effective in funneling a visitor further down the sales funnel.

2. Create a recognizable logo.

A logo is an important part of your brand; it is the image that sticks in their mind when they think of a product or a solution to their problems. Some of the best and recognizable logos are Coke, P&G, Apple, and others. This doesn’t have to be complex, the simpler it is, the easier it is to remember.

Find a color combination that represents your brand. Choose colors that elicit emotions and experiences from those that see them. These have a stronger pull and effect on your potential customers.

Make them think of happy thoughts when they see your logo. Some of which can be a family outing, a trip with friends, or an unforgettable achievement at work.

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3. View your site as a user.

Take time to browse your own website; try to see it with the viewpoint of a user. Look for errors in the content such as grammar mistakes, misspellings, or gaps in the information. Check if the buttons and calls-to-action are functioning properly.

User experience has a positive or negative effect on your brand’s image. Make your website easy to access and explore. The menus must be clear and accurate about the pages they direct to.

Outsourcing advertising agencies also provide you with another perspective about the improvements you can make on your site.

4. Keep things simple.

Trying to be everything to everyone will diminish your brand identity and will only confuse both your team and your target market. Keep things simple and understandable; avoid overloading your audience with information and specifics about who you are and what you do.

Your website can be a microcosm of this approach. Use your brand colors to associate with emotions and experiences. Publish videos and images that are consistent with your message and persona.

5. Determine a content strategy.

The website contains the content your target audience will consume and share. Create a strategy that provides enough information to keep them visiting or one that has all the details they may need.

Produce videos that embody your brand identity and convey your value proposition. All the things you do and publish must be relevant to your audience and consistent across platforms.

Leverage your website to improve your branding and remain relevant to your target audience. These strategies allow you to create a differentiation point and distinguish your company from everyone else in your niche.

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