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restaurant owner

For a Greener World: How to Make Your Restaurant Environmentally Friendly

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Businesses are sprouting left and right, despite the pandemic. More and more people are overcoming their fears for the sake of that sweet revenue. Although the economy is restarting because of it, the world is suffering from each business’s environmental risks. One industry that has been affecting the environment for quite some time now is the restaurant industry.

The restaurant industry had taken a big hit from the pandemic last year, but it’s bouncing back this year as more people enter the industry. These people start a restaurant business out of their passion and love for cooking. Others do it out of desperation. However, regardless of these reasons, it’s undeniable that the restaurant industry has a huge environmental impact on our world.

Did you know that the restaurant industry is responsible for 8% of the overall greenhouse emissions released into the atmosphere? This is because a staggering 33% of products produced by the industry go to waste every year. This is a huge number, and it’s the first place you should start if you want your restaurant to be environmentally friendly.

Reuse and Reduce Waste

Many restaurant owners know the reality of wasted food. There are many reasons for this: people did not like what they ordered, the serving was too much, and more. But wasted food can have serious effects on the environment, and you would know these effects if you’re one of the persons who made these products.

The process creates a negative feedback loop that starts all the way back to cattle ranchers and farmers who deliver fresh supplies to every restaurant. The entire process requires energy, and since most of the energy we use right now comes from fossil fuels, the restaurant industry contributes to this feedback loop. So what can your restaurant do about it? One way you can fix this problem is through composting.


If you have meals and various food products that can be used for compost, then go for it! You only need a trashcan to do it. It’s a simple process, and it doesn’t take some time. The best part about composting is that you’re reusing food products that would have been wasted otherwise. The fertilizer that comes out of composting is also much more environmentally friendly than fertilizers in the market.

If your restaurant is growing its own ingredients, then you’re creating a self-sustaining ecosystem that’s good for the environment and good for your revenue! However, if you don’t want to do composting, you’re free to give it to people who know what they are doing.

composting concept

Segregating Waste

The restaurant industry is one of the primary culprits for unsegregated waste. However, unsegregated waste can harm the environment, especially in the sewage system.

Oil and grease, when not separated in your pipes, can lead to blockages. These are also considered to be contaminants that affect freshwater sources around us. This is why it’s important to have a coalescing plate separator in your sinks. This contraption can easily separate oil and grease from water and dispose of it in the right place. This is one way you can segregate waste so that it doesn’t end up blocking your drains and pipes.

Another simple way to do segregate waste is by simply having individual trash bins for compost and reusable items. It’s a simple as that! Overall, this act of segregating waste can impact the environment in positive ways. It makes it easier for people to recycle and reuse any plastic products in your restaurant and also helps reduce the time needed to bring fresh water to people. It’s a practical solution for the world, and it works in any given case.

Donate Food

Lastly, one of the best-known waste to reduce waste is to give back to people who don’t have much. However, you can’t just donate food that has been served to customers. There are specific guidelines that need to be followed for this process.

First and foremost, you can’t donate served food. Any leftovers from customers can’t be given back to the people because that’s just unsanitary. What you can donate is food that is in storage. One good example is when you cook a specific dish in bulk and leave the other half in storage but never have the chance to serve it. You can then donate that food to various feeding organizations.

Another way you can donate food is by cooking ingredients that are about to expire. Various ingredients in restaurants tend to wilt out or reach their expiry dates while sitting in storage. So making something out of those ingredients and donating it can be a huge plus for the environment and the people who will eat it.

Your restaurant can be environmentally friendly this year. The reuse and reduce waste principle has been used in many industries before, and it’s time to apply it in your restaurant.

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