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remote work

Make Your Work-From-Home Experience as Comfortable as Possible

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Due to social distancing and shelter-in-place regulations, many employers are forced to adapt a work-from-home scheme for their nonessential employees to continue operation.

Before the Coronavirus pandemic, only around 7 percent of employees regularly worked from home, most of them white-collar professionals and affluent. But currently, 64 percent of workers are on a remote work setup.

Although younger employees are familiar with telecommuting, there are still several who are working from home for the first time. Whatever your circumstance is, the fact remains that working from home comes with certain challenges.

Working from home has several benefits. It gives you more time to spend with your kids. It offers flexibility if you have some errands to run but at the same time, you need to make money. But a remote work setup has its dark side.

With the sudden shift to remote work setup, more employees are experiencing loneliness and stress. However, you can combat these mentally-taxing emotions by proactively making some changes in your home-work environment.

Find the Best Spot for Workspace

Perhaps the most important thing to consider in working from home effectively is to find the perfect workspace in the house.

Though not everyone is lucky to convert a spare room as a home office, it is enough that you find a small but well-lit and ventilated space as a work-space area. Be assertive and create some boundaries with your kids and partner that you are not to be disturbed during certain hours.

Stick to a Routine

The next thing to consider when working from home is to create some kind of semblance to your normal daily routine pre-Coronavirus.

Create a routine and stick to it. Though it is tempting to slack off and stay longer in bed, not getting up early only makes you lazy and tasks only compound when you do. If you want to stay motivated and accomplish a lot during the day, it is best to get up rather than hit that snooze button.

Invest in Ergonomic Chair and Table

It is tempting to just grab any chair and sprawl your work on the dining table, but investing in a good ergonomic chair and table comes with several benefits.

Not only will it help you avoid nasty physical health problems like eye strain and neck and back problems, but it will lead you to a happier and more productive work from home experience.

Dress the Part

Working from home equates with working on your pajamas. However, studies have shown that dressing the part as if you are heading to the office puts you in a more productive state of mind.

So instead of lounging on your pajamas, start wearing your casual working outfits. Aside from keeping you more focused, you save yourself from any awkward virtual meetings.

Avoid Distractions

The biggest individual battle every work-from-home employee has to fight are distractions. When you work remotely at home, the tendency is that your personal and work-life usually gets mixed up without you knowing.

Before you know it, you are deep down in the chore rabbit hole and you haven’t even touched your work laptop yet. Set a schedule for any household tasks, avoid smartphone distractions, and discipline yourself. That way, you get to stay productive.

Take Safety Precautions

Just because the whole family is complete in the house doesn’t mean you should be lax on safety measures. Burglary accounts for one of the top crimes in the country.

To avoid any untoward incident, make it a habit to keep doors locked and windows closed. Better yet, invest in smart home security features. It will ensure your family is safe and you will be able to work in peace.

Add Some Greens

Having indoor plants is also a must, given that you and your whole family are spending most time indoors. Greenery is proven to be effective in improving mood and increasing productivity.

Other than that, plants are great natural air filters. They help improve the air quality in your house, making your home a healthier and safer place for your family.

Take Regular Breaks

Eating healthy food

When you work from home, you tend to think that you do not need breaks since you are in the comfort of your house. Even if it is just a five-minute coffee break to your kitchen, take it. Accordingly, taking breaks while at work helps you stay focused, improve brain function, and reevaluate your goals.

If you have kids, encourage them as well to take breaks every 45 minutes of their remote learning session. E-learning for full online junior high, middle school, and high school is a fun experience, but children normally have a low attention span to focus all the way throughout discussions.

Reward Yourself

If your job involves routine tasks, working from home might feel like a drag eventually. After a week of hard work, reward yourself with a Friday movie night, new loungewear, or a new headphone. Any incentive would do as long as it keeps you motivated to work.

Overall, working from home could be a fun and exciting experience. By following any of these tips, you help yourself stay comfortable and motivated during your work-from-home stint.