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Emerging Businesses: Modern Solutions to Modern Problems

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More and more people are starting their businesses. And this number is only growing as technology makes it easier than ever to start your company with little up-front investment.

The emergence of technology has given rise to new business ideas that solve problems in innovative ways. The way we do everyday things is changing because of these tools, and along with it, emerging business ideas are popping up all over the place. So, what industries are leading the way?

Mobile App Development

Mobile application development has taken the world by storm. So much so that people download numerous applications over a million times per day. And what does it mean for tech-driven entrepreneurs? A new market for mobile developers.

Zero up-front investment and high demand make the mobile app industry a great one to get in on. So, if you’re up for the challenge, consider this field to be your next venture.


The biotechnology field is one of the most lucrative industries in the world. However, many people think they have to graduate from medical school or be a scientist to get into this industry, which might not be the case.

You don’t have to be a science geek to make money in biotech. Now, anyone with an idea for solving a problem is about to change the way we think about living.

3D Printing

3D printing has started what some call a revolution in making and using products. And while some may consider it futuristic, it has real-world applications that will be helpful for businesses worldwide.

3D printer manufacturers are on the rise, and more people than ever are buying into this new technology. So, if you’re looking to get into the 3D printing marketplace, consider this industry.

Social Media Marketing

social media icons

Between Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other social media outlets, there’s no denying that social media is a hot commodity for marketers. Now more than ever, are people starting their agencies to get in on this new-age marketing style.

So if you’re trying to figure out what emerging business to start, consider this one. Social media marketing is growing and opening up a new marketplace for anyone with a creative mind and selling online.

Childcare Centers

While childcare costs are skyrocketing, more people than ever before are looking for places to leave their children while they go to work or run errands. So if you’re good with kids and committed to finding the best solutions for parents in your area, consider starting a child care center.

Not only will it be highly profitable, but you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that mothers and fathers in your community are afforded a safe place to leave their children while they work.

Cleaning Services

Many people are offering maintenance services because of the low capital necessary to enter the industry. Today, this industry is growing exponentially every year. The key to success in this field is simply finding a way to provide high-quality service at an affordable price.

If you’ve got what it takes to be your boss and clean for others, this industry is for you. On the other hand, you can opt for cleaning franchise opportunities if you’re not comfortable working independently.

Alternative Energy

Now that green energy has been established as a viable power source; there’s no turning back. And because of the demand for alternative energy sources, emerging business idea is to go green in every sense of the word.

If your passion is creating green products or using green techniques in your business, consider joining the party. You’ll be making a difference and experiencing profit at the same time!


The construction industry is ripe with opportunity. Especially in these economic times when everyone is looking for new homes and people are remodeling their old ones to add value, there’s no better time to get in on the construction industry.

If you’ve got business experience and an interest in working at a construction company, consider using your skills to make it big on this sector of the economy.

Automobile Repair

There’s a demand for trustworthy mechanics on the rise. And because you need little financial capital to get into this industry, it’ll be easy for you to find success in it if that’s your thing.

Whether you’re looking to work at an established shop or open one of your own, consider joining the ranks of auto repair businesses.

The business world is constantly changing, and new opportunities for entrepreneurs come with it. If you’re looking to start a business but don’t know where to begin, consider one of the industries mentioned in this article. Each of them is growing rapidly and is sure to be lucrative in the years to come. So go out there and get started!

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