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No Climate Control, No Problem: Using Your Shed as a Storage Wisely

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ShedPeople have sheds built for a variety of reasons. Some of the use it as a workshop and some use it as extra space to store excess things. Now, you would not get climate control system on your storage because of the costs. If you have the means to add the right kind of air conditioner to accommodate the size of your shed, then go on.

Many Australians, however, have just enough to have a shed built. When storing items, know that it will get hot inside sheds. Perth weather can be unforgiving sometimes and become unbearably hot. There is also dust accumulation and insect invasion that could foster more damage.

To protect your belongings, treat storage as if you are moving house. You do not want to see your things damaged just as you do not want your furniture gouged.

Wood Furnishings

If you can disassemble your wood furniture into parts, break it down before putting in into storage. Furthermore, put all the screws in labelled plastic bags for easy reassembly. Wax the wooden parts to add extra layer of moisture that will protect it in a non-climate controlled environment.

Fabric Goods

Fabrics are vulnerable to mould and mildew build-up, which will degrade the quality of the material in time and pose a potential health hazard. Make sure to apply an antibacterial cleaner before tucking sofas in the shed. Then, place padded covers over the furniture to protect it from scratches.

Metal Furniture

Though metal is more resistant to corrosion and wear and tear, there is still the chance of oxidation. Polish nickel, silver or brass furniture and wrap it in plastic sheeting to protect it from dust and heat.


Find the original packaging of your prized electronics and wrap the boxes on bubble wrap to ensure its safety. Mobile devices are vulnerable to knocks and heat, so it is important to safeguard it from falls and bumps.

You want to preserve your belongings for future use. While having a shed helps you save money on storage, make sure to protect from the heat and other factors present when using sheds as storage.