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Smile your way to straighter teeth

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Woman SmilingIt should be easy for you to make the decision to have a dental treatment that could change your life. With the right dentist and all the information you need, it can be. Deciding to straighten your teeth is an empowering choice. You can derive benefits from the journey as well as the result with the right support.

Communication with your dentist is key. Work with an established practice like Simply Teeth in Essex and they will advise you on your options. Many practitioners partner with leading braces manufacturers offering innovative, comfortable equipment.

Your smile. Your choice.

Once you make your first appointment, your dentist will do a thorough examination of your mouth. Their experience will tell them what braces you might be able to consider. Some tooth movements, such as rotation, can usually only be achieved using fixed braces. For other adjustments, you may be able to choose between fixed and removable appliances. Either way, your dentist will help you make the decision that is right for you.

One option you might be offered is Six Month Smiles. These are fixed braces that focus on the teeth that are visible when you smile. As they have this narrower treatment goal, they can often achieve it in a relatively short amount of time compared to traditional braces. As an added bonus, the brackets from Six Month Smiles are clear and the wires are tooth-coloured. This means they are more likely to blend in with your look.

When it comes to removable braces, Invisalign are an effective option. This method requires you to wear clear aligners that fit over the tops of your teeth. They are comfortable against your gums and the inside of your mouth. You take them out in order to eat so there are no restrictions on your food choices. All you need to do is brush your teeth before reinserting them. You wear them for at least 22 hours each day in order to allow them to do the work they need to do.

Talking to your dentist

Feel free to discuss anything about your braces with your dentist. They are there to help you and use their expertise to connect you with the most suitable dental treatment.

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