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The Adventure in the Overture

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OperaDespite its different forms and purposes in the past, modern day opera has used overtures to excite, entice and lure the audience even more than they already are in their velvet seats.

You’re probably asking, “What is an overture?” answers your queries from a soprano’s point of view.


Imagine sitting in a theater just minutes before the show starts with you not knowing what the play or musical is going to be about. Then, a beautiful sonata plays and you start to get an idea of what the story and its theme is going to be like.

Mood Setter

Like everything else, the overall feel of a story excites you—this greatly affect the intensity of the feelings surrounding the play and as an audience, this is something to look forward to and keep your gears turning throughout the whole play.


Surprises are pleasant, but a totally uncalled for and unexpected story without the proper background painted can either mislead or disappoint the audience. The overture aids this unbridged gap. Leaving the picture for the audience to be painted without the visuals may be too far fetch and ambitious.

It provides an ample amount of information without disclosing too much during a limited symphony.

While there are different kinds of overtures to choose from depending on the play’s storyline, knowing just how each differ portray a completely unique feeling altogether.

Half the fun of watching a story unfold right before your eyes is the wondering and conclusions you jump to even before stumbling upon the right answers. A new experience is a new adventure, so is a new musical or play. Before reading the summary, why don’t you give yourself the pleasure of enjoying the overture and savor the thrill and excitement it stirs.

Revel in the thought of immersing yourself in a completely new story to feast on.

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