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The Overlooked Importance of Controls and User Interface in the HVAC Backbone

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Digital display for HVAC systemA mainframe interface is crucial to any HVAC equipment. For residential owners, it is how they will adjust the temperature or activate certain features that will help improve the comfort level. It does not get any more complex than this for homeowners because in all likelihood, anything more will confuse them. In an industrial setting, however, controls are far more important. The architecture, components and cooling capacity all come together to produce an optimal comfort level for several floors of people.

This is why no HVAC backbone should operate without controls and proper user interface. Think of it as the primary control and the thermostat is the secondary control. These controls, such as variable speed drives, flow meters and level monitoring, ensure that everything is working together to create pleasing comfort levels and, more importantly, that the equipment is working adequately. HVAC supplier Masterflow Solutions thinks of these controls as a way to prolong the system’s life cycle.

One Screen to Rule Them All

In residential settings, it is common practice to use the HVAC system until there is something wrong; it should not be, but that is how people use it. For buildings and other HVAC purposes, monitoring is crucial. Close monitoring will mean better life or premature maintenance for the system. To deliver cold comfort is a heavy job and a lot of it depends on proper monitoring and on time maintenance.

This is not to say that when the interface says everything is okay there is nothing to worry about. It is still better to have pipe checks, refrigerant checks and other system inspection to ensure that all components are performing up to expected standards.

Modern Good; Too Modern, Not Good

Digital displays will only become more prominent as time passes. It will be present in everything and that is just the way it goes. It would be wise to avoid going fully digital; leave some functions to analogue technology. This way, those that need absolute accuracy get it, and those that are functioning well are left as they are.

It is not much of a surprise that industrial-level HVAC systems need more than just the thermostat. This is the best way to deliver consistent levels of comfort and know that everything is functioning as expected.