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Understanding the Different Aspects of Raising a Kid

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Raising a kid is never easy. This is why younger generations choose to delay having children; some even do not want to have children. This fact has been especially magnified during the pandemic. Older millennials don’t want to have kids because of the uncertain world. More and more millennial women, on the other hand, choose a career over having children.

However, some are brave enough to take on the responsibility of raising kids and starting their own families. For these brave ones who choose to juggle raising kids and a career or a business, a little help won’t hurt. A child is totally dependent on parents to supply their needs. These needs include physical, emotional, mental, and social skill development.

Physical Needs

Humans have basic needs to survive. As children are not yet capable of supplying their own physical needs, it is a parent’s responsibility to provide for them.

Such physical needs of a child include nutrition, shelter, and a healthy living environment. These needs must be met to ensure a child’s physical health.

Healthy environment

A healthy environment suitable for a child includes clean air and water. Air and water are basic human needs, and making sure that children have clean sources ensures their physical health. Clean air and water mean both are free from pollution, avoiding possible health diseases associated with it.

A healthy environment also includes spaces free from airborne diseases. Children must be kept away from viruses and bacteria that may cause common illnesses like cough and measles.

In addition, a suitable environment must be free from toxic substances that children may accidentally consume. These toxic substances include solvents, detergents, cosmetics, and cigarette smoke.

Healthy diet

Children are still unaware of what food or drinks are good and bad for them. Hence, it is a parent’s responsibility to guide them on what food items will be beneficial to their health. Additionally, food must be consumed at a fixed, regular mealtime. Creating a good eating habit is essential so that kids intake the right nutrients they need for growth and development.

Healthy body

To ensure that a child has a healthy body, diet is also important. In addition, doing physical activities like exercise promotes the development of a kid’s muscles and the strengthening of vital organs such as the heart and lungs. Exercising also helps the development of a child’s coordination and promotes well-being.

In promoting overall well-being among children, it is also important to have regular visits to dentists and doctors. This is to make sure that the child has healthy teeth and body. At the same time, a parent must ensure that the kids get the necessary vaccinations to protect them from diseases.

mother and daughter hugging

Emotional Needs

Children may be unaware of properly expressing their feelings, but they have emotional needs that need to be met. Some of these needs are love from the family, confidence boosters, and encouragement.

Before a child is accepted by the world, they must find acceptance with the family first. This acceptance must be unconditional, and a child must be assured that the family’s love and support are still there despite mistakes and defeats. This kind of unconditional love is also the initial source of a child’s self-confidence.

Another source of confidence boosters for kids is a parent’s encouragement. A parent letting a kid explore and play can somehow give a child a sense of trust and responsibility.

Social Development

When we bring a human into the world, we all hope that they will impact the world positively. Hence, raising good kids is important; a well-behaved child is almost like a parent’s legacy.

Harvard Graduate School of Education gives tips on how to raise caring kids. According to Harvard, children are naturally born with empathy, care, and compassion. However, these seeds must be nurtured by parents for kids to carry these values through adult life.

Harvard adds that when a kid has values of empathy and care, they help not only the people but also themselves. People with these values are generally observed to be happier and more successful. For example, a person who knows how to collaborate and understand co-team members is bound to succeed in their careers.

Parents who have caring kids usually do the following:

  • Spend regular time with their kids.
  • Have meaningful conversations with the children.
  • Become strong role models

Overall, what a child sees from an adult is what they think is right. Therefore, it is essential that a parent show a child how to be a caring adult.

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