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greenhouse concept

Greenhouse Upgrades That are Worth the Price

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A greenhouse is an amazing investment for any property, especially if you are a green thumb. Having a greenhouse means that you can enjoy longer growing seasons, allowing you to plant weeks or months longer than the usual growing period. Apart from that, you can rest assured that your plants are protected from the weather and pests, which also means that you can grow plants all-year-round with reduced maintenance and expenses.

Most residential greenhouses serve their purpose well. But if you want your greenhouse to be even better, here are several upgrades that can improve your greenhouse’s functionality, efficiency, and aesthetics:

Shade system

Greenhouses provide controlled environments that make it possible for plants to grow beyond their seasons. However, you will still need to do your part in controlling the temperature inside the greenhouse, particularly when it is extremely hot or cold outside. If it’s the former, high-quality greenhouse window shades are necessary to prevent the greenhouse from becoming too hot. Otherwise, the excessive temperature can cause plant damage, and in worst cases, may even cause death.

In the winter months, on the other hand, a shade system can help retain heat inside the greenhouse. This translates to significant savings in heating as well as an increased lifespan for your plants.

High-efficiency motors

The efficiency of a greenhouse dictates the amount of energy it uses to operate, which, in turn, determines your utility bills. To improve the energy efficiency of your greenhouse, replace your current motors with high-efficiency models that can boost efficiency by as much as 10%. However, avoid buying more motors than you need–a motor ideally runs at 80 to 100% of its full load.

Smart lighting

Smart lighting with precision controls allows you to provide the ideal amount of lighting for your plants, as well as turn off or dim lights automatically to reduce energy use. If you still use low-efficiency lights, such as incandescent bulbs or halogens, it’s a great idea to invest in smart lighting to increase your greenhouse efficiency and make it easier to provide proper illumination for your plants.

Drip irrigation

It can be too time-consuming to hand water all of your plants every day. If you want to make watering more efficient and ensure that you don’t miss a plant, install a drip irrigation system in your warehouse. This type of irrigation system makes the right amount of water and nutrients easily accessible to the plant’s roots at the right time. So not only are you saving time by eliminating the need for hand watering, but you’re also improving the way you deliver water and nutrients to your plants.

High-efficiency fans

When shopping for greenhouse fans, look for models that have a good ventilation efficiency ratio. High-efficiency fans effectively cut down your energy use and improve ventilation at the same time, helping you save money as well as enhance your ability to control the environment inside your greenhouse.

Thermal screen

Growing business

A thermal screen allows for more precise control of light, temperature, and humidity in a greenhouse. If you have the budget and your irrigation system is compatible with it, invest in a thermal screen for better climate control in your greenhouse.

Rolling benches

Rolling benches add more production space to a greenhouse and are generally easier to use than stationary benches. If you can use more space, get rolling benches, and use a rolling bench layout to replace your current one.

High-efficiency boilers or heaters

Whether you are using boilers or unit heaters for your greenhouse, replacing them with high-efficiency models is a great way to save money and reduce your carbon footprint, especially in the cold seasons.

By investing in one or more of these upgrades, you can increase the functionality and efficiency of your warehouse, and more importantly, reduce your carbon footprint at the same time.

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