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Here’s Why Your Child Has Crooked Teeth

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Ever wonder what causes crooked teeth? If you have a child who seems to be developing an underbite, you might want to know what is causing it. You can help prevent them from developing crooked teeth. If you happen to live in Virginia, you can ask an orthodontist in Vienna about the causes of crooked teeth. But if you don’t have the time, then simply read on and know more about the kinds of crooked teeth and what causes them to develop:


There are two kinds of crossbites: anterior crossbites and posterior crossbites. A crossbite is when the upper or lower teeth are closer to the inner cheek or the tongue. An anterior crossbite is often referred to as the underbite, and it’s when the lower teeth are slightly in front of the upper teeth when the mouth is closed. On the other hand, a posterior crossbite is referred to as the overbite, and it’s when the upper teeth are slightly in front of the lower teeth when the mouth is closed. A posterior crossbite is often associated with mouth-breathers.

Anterior open bite

This condition is when the back teeth meet together when the mouth is closed but there is a gap between the front upper and lower teeth. This often happens to children who tend to suck their thumbs. Try to wean your child from thumb sucking to prevent them from developing an anterior open bite.

Class II malocclusion

This condition is when the lower teeth are positioned far behind the upper teeth when the mouth is closed. According to orthodontists, this condition is often associated with mouth-breathers like those with a posterior crossbite.

Causes of crooked teeth

teeth surgery

Obstruction in the airway

One of the most common causes of crooked teeth is difficulty in breathing through the nose. Some children who have sinus problems can develop a mouth-breathing habit, which can lead to developing crooked teeth. Improper breathing won’t help in the development of the lower and upper jaws.

Jaw development is crucial to having a perfect set of teeth. When your child is breathing through their mouth, they are unknowingly debilitating the development of their jawbones, which will also affect the development of their teeth. If you notice that your toddler is breathing through their nose, have their nasal airways checked right away to avoid crooked teeth.

Incorrect swallowing

Monitor the way your child swallows when they eat. They should be breathing through their nose, have closed lips, and a straight posture when they eat. If you notice that they often swallow with their teeth apart, then they must be swallowing incorrectly, and you should fix this right away.

To correct your child’s way of swallowing, they should coax their tongue to move like a wave with the tip touching the roof of their mouth. Then it should go down as the middle of the tongue touches the roof of their mouth. Also, when your child is not eating or swallowing anything, their tongue should be able to touch the roof of their mouth. This is the proper position of the tongue when it is at rest.

Sucking on pacifiers and thumbs

What you’ve been giving to your baby to keep them quiet can also make their teeth crooked, especially if they keep on using it beyond their baby years. A child should stop using their pacifier when they’re already a toddler, and you should also prevent them from sucking on their thumb. These activities can lead to crooked teeth.

When your child’s bones and teeth are forming, they are quite soft and malleable. Therefore, if your child doesn’t stop sucking their thumb, it will leave a gap between their teeth.

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