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Business handshake. Two businessman shaking hands with each other in the office.

Six Things That Might Scare Away Your Clients

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Are you inadvertently scaring away your clients? You might be doing things without realizing it, causing them to take their business elsewhere. Here are six potential culprits.

1. Poker Face

If you’re a poker face in business, it might be time to reconsider your strategy. People with poker faces are perceived as untrustworthy and less competent. So what does this mean for companies? Well, the clients will simply deter doing business with you. Companies should be aware of the potential downsides of employing poker-faced employees.

To prevent a poker face, you need to show some emotions; the best is to smile. However, people with damaged teeth might not be confident enough to smile at someone. If you or your employees have crooked or damaged teeth, you can try getting a tooth replacement. A quality tooth replacement can give you a beautiful smile you want. The replaced teeth of implants can blend well with natural teeth to offer seamless mouth functioning. Thus, you can eliminate the poker face problem by replacing your teeth.

2. Dressing Down

Dressing professionally shows that you take your job seriously and are ready to do business. It can also make you appear more trustworthy and competent. Of course, there are times when dressing down is appropriate, such as when you’re working with a client who is casual themselves.

But generally, it’s best to err on caution and dress for success. After all, first impressions matter, and you never know when you’ll meet a potential client.

3. Being Late

Being late to an appointment can be costly, not only in terms of the fees you may lose but also the clients you may scare away. Clients who see you’re running behind schedule may start to wonder if you’re reliable and if you value their time. As a result, they may decide to take their business elsewhere.

To avoid this, it’s important to be punctual and to communicate with your clients if you’re running behind. By being proactive, you can show your clients that you respect their time and are committed to providing them with the best possible service.

A customer waiting for the business representative

4. Poor Communication

When you’re running a business, communication is key. Whether you’re communicating with your employees or clients, it’s important to be clear, concise, and professional. Unfortunately, many businesses struggle with communication, and as a result, they may scare away their potential clients.

There are a few common communication problems that can cause this issue. First, some businesses rely too heavily on email and other written communications. While there’s nothing wrong with using these methods of communication, it’s crucial to pick up the phone or meet in person from time to time. This will help build personal relationships with your clients and make them feel like they’re more than just a name on an email list. Second, some businesses fail to communicate effectively because they’re using jargon or technical terms that their clients don’t understand.

Remember that your goal is to communicate clearly, not to impress your client with your extensive vocabulary. Finally, some businesses fail to communicate regularly with their clients. Whether you’re sending out a monthly newsletter or simply keeping in touch via social media, it’s important to stay in touch with your clients so they know you’re still interested in working with them.

5. Lack of Preparation

First, do your homework. Learn as much as possible about your client’s business, competitive landscape, and goals. This will help you develop a more relevant and targeted pitch. Second, put together a strong team.

Your client will want to know that they’re working with skilled professionals who are up to the task. Make sure you confidently introduce your team and highlight their areas of expertise. Finally, have a solid plan in place. Your client will expect you to have a clear vision for their project, so ensure you’re prepared to present your ideas cohesively and convincingly.

6. Not Following Through

When you start your business, you probably want to take on as many clients as possible. This is a great way to get your business off the ground and start making some money. However, if you’re not careful, you might take on more work than you can handle. This can be a big problem if you cannot follow your promises.

Not only will you disappoint your clients, but they might also decide to take their business elsewhere. To avoid this, it’s vital to be realistic about the amount of work you can take.

When communicating with your clients, it’s important to be clear, concise, and professional. By avoiding common mistakes like jargon or failing to stay in touch, you can help build lasting, strong relationships. And by being prepared and following through on your promises, you can show your clients that you’re a reliable business they can count on.

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