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Closeup portrait of a woman applying dry cosmetic tonal foundation on the face using makeup brush

Stop Brushing Off Cleaning Your Makeup Brushes

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Makeup brushes play a big role in the best makeup masterpieces. Thanks to these handy set of beauty tools, you don’t have to rely on your fingers always to smudge eye shadow, apply blush, or contour your cheeks.

But there are instances when you might have to use your fingers again, especially when your brushes are too dirty for use.

“Won’t dusting the excess makeup off my fave flat contouring brush do the trick?” you might ask.

You could, but you’ll need to double your skincare efforts because dirty makeup brushes can wreak havoc on your skin.

Dirty Brushes = Clogged Up Pores

Brushes are the better alternative to fingers, especially if you’re worried about your pores clogging up. But if your beauty tools are filthy, you might still break out. Dirty brushes spread bacteria from your brush to your face and your cosmetic products.

These germs, which are invisible to the naked eye, might seem harmless at first. But over time, you’ll notice the effects on your skin (e.g., acne and allergies) so it’s best to clean your brushes now than regret later!

Staph Infection Risk Alert!

Breakouts are the least of your problems when it comes to dirty makeup brushes. For the worst-case scenario, just ask the girl who suffered from Staph infection because she didn’t disinfect her brushes. Then 21-year-old Katie Wright found herself in the ER when she popped what she thought was a pimple. It turns out that she had a serious case of Cellulitis, a different type of Staph infection.

The accumulation of dirt and dead skin cells on your brushes can include a harmful set of bacteria, such as E.Coli, staphylococcus, and streptococcus. If you don’t clean your brushes, you’ll be susceptible to skin sores, redness, swelling, and a fever.

No One Likes Streaky Makeup

Have you experienced using your favorite brush to blend and it just won’t do the work?

The dirt is stopping you from achieving an airbrushed look. Residue from cosmetic products causes your application to become streaky. Caked up makeup from last week’s application can make your final look appear muddy and dull.

Eye Say No to Pink Eye!

Makeup, eyeshadow and eyeshadow brush

People who share their cosmetics and brushes frequently are at risk of conjunctivitis (pink eye), an eye infection that results in itchy and painful inflammation of your conjunctiva.

To avoid getting pink eye, clean your brushes at least once a week. Also, change your makeup bag frequently since the dirt can stay in the fabric and transfer onto your brushes.

Cleanliness Is Important

A good and thorough cleaning of your makeup brushes can spare you from horror stories. When it comes to brush sanitation, remember to clean your brushes between applications. You don’t have to invest in expensive cleaners to do the job. A dime-sized amount of shampoo is enough to do the trick.

Wash your brushes with warm water and always squeeze out the excess moisture with a clean towel. Alcohol is okay if your makeup brush has synthetic bristles.

Your makeup brush is your cosmetic best friend. Make sure they still do a good job (and not infect you with anything) by cleaning them regularly.

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