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The Way of the Builder: Becoming the Handyman

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builderGreat things have always been expected of men. At the very least, men should be able to build and repair things. Whether it is building a wooden stool, repairing the leaking sink, or repainting the walls with a different colour, it is a man’s de facto duty to be a handyman–especially when he has a family to care of.

In the age of computers, though, and with so many tools and machines for doing work, manual labour is intimidating for a lot of men. If you want to be the go-to bloke when something breaks down and needs fixing, here are three things you will need:

Knowledge and Experience

The best way to start your training as a handyman is to learn the basics. Read up on basic plumbing, carpentry and others. Also know how to properly use the most basic of tools.

When something breaks down around the house, see if you can fix the problem. Should the problem be simple enough, assess what you need to do. With enough practice, you will learn the basics of troubleshooting your own problems. As they say, practice makes perfect.

The Proper Gear

Even the best handyman can come up short if he only has sticks and stones hanging on his belt. When you are fixing something in your house, or perhaps building a small project, then you better have the right tools for the job. Classic Hire notes that whether your project is construction, gardening or repair related, using the wrong tools will create more problems than solutions.

As your experience and knowledge on basic repairs and being a handyman grows, so does your demand for better gear. If you are working on a big project, such as recapping concrete steps, you may check with local equipment hire companies if they can lend you the right tools. Do not hesitate to exhaust your options.

The Expert’s Advice

You can be a jack of all trades when it comes to being a handyman: carpentry, plumbing, and gardening–you name it–but you will be a master of none. Given that you do not have the professional training in one specific field, you will always need the help of a dedicated expert.

When you need something done that requires more advanced skills, you can always enlist the help of an expert tradesperson. Consulting the experts not only expands your network, but their knowledge about their fields can also rub off on you.

Remembering these will help make you a reliable guy to have around the house. No more pesky minor problems to bother your family as long as you’re around.