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Tips and Tricks for Looking after Dental Implants and New Teeth

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Dental ImplantsDental implants are a modern and effective solution to tooth loss. From a single implant and crown placement to replace one missing tooth to complex full-mouth restoration involving a series of dental implants and a full-arch bridge or denture, implants can be used to restore both natural appearance and function to your mouth – permanently.

Dove Dental Care in Derby offers both simple and complex dental implants treatment options, including additional procedures to rebuild the density of the jaw bone prior to implant placement. After implants are placed, they take about six months to integrate with the jaw bone, after which the permanent new teeth are attached.

An implant dentist will provide you with full aftercare instructions, both in the immediate aftermath of oral surgery and for the long-term once your teeth have been attached. Immediate aftercare includes:

  • Not touching the implant sites with your tongue, finger, or food
  • Eating soft foods for the first few days, and avoiding drinks that are too hot or too cold
  • Using medicated mouthwash as directed by your dentist
  • Not wearing your dentures for a few days, until your gums have healed

Long-term care is primarily focused on dental hygiene. The teeth attached to dental implants are designed to be durable and strong. They can, of course, be damaged just like natural teeth if you use them to open bottles, chew pens, or do anything other than bite and chew foods, so this should be avoided.

Good dental hygiene involves team work between you, your dentist, and your hygienist. Your hygienist will teach you how to clean your new teeth effectively, and you should follow his or her advice carefully.

Implant-retained teeth can be brushed and flossed in the same way as natural teeth, although dentures are still often removable for cleaning and should be cleaned the same way and with the same amount of frequency as your old traditional dentures.

Your new teeth can still gather plaque, which can lead to serious complications. Therefore, attending regular dental check-ups is vital to check the condition of teeth, implants, and gums, and hygiene visits are vital too, to check if your home routine needs further tweaking.

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