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10 Unique Strategies to Market Your Health Facility

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Marketing a clinic can be difficult when trying to reach a wide range of people with different interests. How do you market your clinic? This is a question that many business owners struggle with. If you want to develop partnerships, increase referrals and improve your visibility online, then the answer isn’t as simple as it may seem. Ask yourself, how many marketing strategies do you have? Is your clinic’s website the first place people go to when they’re looking for a new physician or orthodontist in town? If not, then it is time to start utilizing some different tactics. This blog post will detail ten unique strategies that you can use to market your clinic and increase revenue.

Strategy One: Build an Interactive Website and Invest in SEO

Building an interactive website is a great way to get people interested in your clinic. The better the site, the more time people will spend on it, and the more likely they will become potential patients. Website content should be clear and concise with an emphasis on local SEO so that when someone searches for a keyword you’ve targeted in their area, you show up as one of the top results.

Strategy Two: Create a Blog Post For Your Website

Create a blog post page for your clinic that includes helpful tips about better health and clinical procedures. This will help you educate potential patients and it can also be an excellent way to generate some buzz in the industry.

For example, if you have a dental clinic and are hosting free teeth whitening events this summer, write up a quick blog with all of the details, so people know which days they’ll have opportunities! You can also share your expertise on other topics, such as how to care for braces or wisdom tooth removal.

Strategy Three: Join Social Media Sites Like Facebook and Instagram

Social media platforms are an excellent way to reach a younger demographic. Facebook has over two billion monthly active users, so it’s a great place to start. When you create a Facebook page for your clinic, ensure that it has plenty of detailed information about what services the practice provides.

You can also post pictures from events at the office or show off photos of happy patients with their new smiles! Use these sites to interact with your current patients and potential clients who are looking for a doctor in the area.

-Strategy Four: Utilize Google Ads to Promote Your Practice

Google AdWords is an effective way of advertising your health practice on search engines like Yahoo, Bing, and YouTube. You can choose the keywords that matter most to you for people who use those words when searching online to find your website and connect with you. If you have a blog post that talks about the “mental health therapy” you offer in your clinic, then make sure your Google AdWords are targeting those keywords as well.

-Strategy Five: Don’t Skip Physical Marketing!

While you must establish an online presence, do not completely ignore the power of physical marketing. This includes traditional methods such as print ads, billboards, and flyers and newer strategies like social media channels.

Create flyers that share information about what you do at the office or even coupons for new checkup visits! These can be posted on bulletin boards around town, mailed out to people’s houses, or just handed out while someone is window-shopping through your neighborhood grocery store. You’ll want to make sure they’re printed professionally, so they look good too! Also, start advertising on local radio stations, TV news programs, or some of the other channels that cover your neighborhood.

telemedicine step

-Strategy Six: Hosting Seminars

Host seminars about better health practices- many urgent cares offer these types of presentations annually or even monthly to help get out into the community with expert advice. This will not only expose more people to what you do, but it could be just what someone needs when deciding whether or not to sign up for your services.

-Strategy Seven: Free Consultations

Offer free consultations to people at public events or set up a camp at local high schools for students looking for a career in health care. If you run an urgent care clinic, consider offering urgent care physical exams to students before a sports game or facilitate walk-in examinations. This is an excellent way to introduce new people to your clinic and build up the number of future patients you will have.

-Strategy Eight: Offer Incentives

Offering incentives is an excellent proven method of strengthening loyalty within your customers and attracting new ones too. For example, if you own a dental clinic, a great way to reward your loyal customers would be to offer incentives like free teeth cleaning or some other dental work to those who have been with your practice for a year. This will help build loyalty while incentivizing patients to come back more often.

-Strategy Nine: Partner Up With Other Businesses

Partner up with local businesses like pet stores or coffee shops to give out coupons for physical examinations when customers purchase something from their business (or vice versa). You’ll want to make sure it’s legal before doing this, though, as any kind of bribery/kickback could land you into trouble!

-Strategy Ten: Referral Programs

Offer a referral program where if someone signs up for an appointment, you’ll give them something in return like a free tooth whitening treatment or gift card. This will help you reach patients who may not have been thinking about coming in and provide potential clients with the peace of mind that they’re receiving some kind of compensation.

Good Luck Marketing Your Business!

We hope these strategies have inspired you to think about ways that you can market your clinic. Remember, the more creative and effective we are with our marketing efforts, the better business!

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