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Ways Commercial Building Owners Can Lower Utility Costs

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Do you own a commercial building? Then, you should know by now how your energy and water bill can shoot up, especially during the warmer season. As large users of utilities, it is no wonder how much cash you spend just on your energy or water bill alone.

Of course, this will be dependent on your usage. If you are looking for ways you can save money out of your energy and water bills, here are some ideas to consider.

Start with an energy audit

The first thing you will want to do is to consider doing an energy audit. This way, you get to check how much energy you’re consuming as well as the causes of your high energy usage. This will also enable you to determine which equipment makes use most of your energy consumption.

Knowing these three factors can help you to address the issues that are causing your high utility costs.

Re-evaluate your plumbing choices

Reconsidering your plumbing choices can help lower your water bill. To start, choose low-flow plumbing fixtures. It also pays to regulate your water pressure. Investing in a cold water booster pump sets for your fire fighter pumps in your Australia home can help maintain your desired water pressure.

Lastly, insulating your piping is another good way to lower your water bills. By insulating your piping the right way, you get to decrease water waste, thus giving you savings out of your lower water bill.

Be mindful of your equipment

To improve the efficiency of your equipment, proper care and maintenance is a must. Make sure not to skip routine maintenance – be it your HVAC, water heater, or even your lighting. When it is time to replace them, consider energy-efficient upgrades.

You will be surprised by how much savings you can get out of upgrading your equipment.

Reconsider your landscaping choices

Many owners of commercial spaces invest in professional landscaping to boost the curb appeal of their building. However, it is imperative to reconsider your landscaping choices. You may not know it, but your landscape could be to blame for your sky-high utility costs.

When it comes to plants, choose those that do not require much watering. Consider investing in an irrigation system with a smart controller. Also, an automatic shut-off device is also an excellent way to conserve water.

Think of other lighting solutions

Commercial area in Chinatown

Instead of relying solely on artificial lighting, why not utilise natural light? Letting the sunshine in allows you to save a considerable amount of energy by not having to use artificial light during daytime. Open your blinds and turn off some of your artificial lights. Instead of incandescent lights, choose LEDs and CFLs.

These lighting solutions last longer and use considerably less amount of energy. Another reason to make the switch is since LEDs and CFLs are an eco-friendlier choice than their incandescent counterparts. With all the benefits that these two have to offer, it becomes imperative that these are a much better investment.

No matter how you make use of your commercial building, know that there are things you can do to lower your utility costs. By keeping this list in mind, you get to enjoy higher savings. You can then use your savings to fund other endeavours, including investments or as an additional cash reserve.

Take note that lowering your energy and water usage also enables you to help preserve the environment. This is because decreasing your wastes lowers the carbon footprint brought about by your business.

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