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choosing dress for wedding

Getting Hitched: Wedding Services You Need to Know

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When you attend a wedding, all you focus on is the glamour of everything. You imagine how magical it must feel to tie the knot. You’ll wear a beautiful dress, get pampered by a makeup artist and hairstylist, and dance and dine in a stunning venue. It must be nice to be a bride, to be treated like a star for one night.

But in reality, being a bride hardly feels glamorous. On the contrary, it’s stressful. During the wedding planning, the bride does more work than the groom. They’re the ones who usually decide on the motif, guest list, and pore over every detail. The grooms, meanwhile, just make sure everything is settled at the right pace.

Of course, not all brides don’t receive help from their grooms, but in most cases, a bride loves to be in control. Hence, they end up taking the bulk of wedding planning. If you’re now dreading getting married, don’t worry; wedding services will be there to lift your burden. So take note of the following before planning your wedding

1. Wedding Planner

Thanks to wedding planners, brides can feel more relaxed as they plan their wedding. There are different types of wedding planners: full-time planner, part-time planner, destination planner, on-site event manager, and designer. The one you should choose depends on a couple of factors.

Choose a full-time wedding planner if your job doesn’t allow you to dedicate all your time to wedding planning. Doing so is crucial since wedding planning isn’t something you can do on weekends only. A full-time planner organizes everything from the ground up. They help you create your budget and timeline, find vendors, help with event design, and choose the perfect wedding venue. They’ll also help with the guest list and even communicate with your entourage regarding video and photoshoots.

If you have most of your wedding planning under control, you can choose a part-time planner instead. Part-time planners have one main job, and that’s to help you choose vendors. They recommend event stylists, caterers, venues, dress designers, and more. You’ll be the one to communicate with these vendors, but the planner will be there to execute all your plans.

Part-time planners are the best choice for budget-conscious brides. They ensure that every aspect of your wedding is for a fraction of a full-time planner’s price. But if you’ll have a destination wedding, you should go for neither and choose a destination planner instead. They’re similar to full-time planners but specialize in destination weddings.

On-site event managers and designers are completely different from wedding planners. They work during the wedding day itself. As such, they’re often for brides who hire a full-time, part-time, or destination planner. On-site event managers oversee last-minute needs, ensure that the vendors have delivered accordingly and that the event flows smoothly. Designers, or event designers, handles the wedding aesthetic. They put your desired theme to life.

2. Dress Supplier (RTW or Custom-made)

RTW wedding dresses are becoming popular among budget-conscious brides. But since a wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime event, consider having a custom-made bridal gown, too. If budget permits, inquire with elite bridal designers whose styles are unmatched.

But if you’d rather save than splurge, go for RTW, and consider renting instead of buying. Renting makes sense, given that you’ll only wear your wedding dress once. However, you won’t have the sentimental aspects of a wedding dress that’s not your own. In addition, your options may be limited since most brides prefer to buy.

Whichever you choose, what’s more important is that it fits your budget, and the dress feels like you.

3. Wedding Favor Vendors

A wedding favor is a small token of appreciation given by the wedded couple to their guests. It doesn’t have to be something fancy. You can give away mints in custom packaging, and your guests will love it. But there are essential factors to consider when choosing a wedding favor.

The first one is the venue. If you’re getting married on a farm, it’ll be a little funny if your wedding favor is a beach towel. A basket of various cheeses will be more befitting.

Consider the weather as well. Candies won’t do well in a hot outdoor venue, as they’ll melt quickly. Perhaps straw hats will be better in this case.

Whatever wedding favor you end up with, be sure to choose a supplier with high-quality but affordable products. Just because wedding favors should be inexpensive doesn’t mean it’s okay for them to be flimsy.

With these wedding services on your list, you can organize a more realistic timeline. If you choose a full-time wedding planner, all of this will be taken into account anyway. But if you DIY with the help of a part-time planner, you’re responsible for availing of these services.

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