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Why Worship is Part of Your Spiritual Growth

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worshipWhen one talks about worship, the first thing that will pop in your mind is singing and raising hands in a church.

However, that is just a small part of worship. True worship is an experience of the heart and, not just singing and raising hands. In other words, worship is not about rituals, it’s about what you feel and believe.

The term worship is intimidating for people, especially to those who adhere to no religion, but it isn’t as complex as perceived by many. From ancient beliefs to today’s, people worship something greater than them, a being larger than life. Other than worshipping a supreme being, you are probably worshipping something else such as food, artists and even hobbies.

There are reasons worship is an important part of psychological resilience, as the Restoration Community Church points out below:

  1. It makes us look to God.

Worship is an essential part of anyone’s spiritual journey because it allows them to look to a deity or a concept that is bigger than humanity. Worships addresses people’s needs to belong to a bigger picture or plan, and helps refocus the mind and soul and reflect on your blessings. When you direct your attention to the object of worship, you will only see kindness and love your for your fellows, which in return strengthens you.

  1. It lets you reflect and become a better person.

Worship focuses your mind and heart, but at the same time it allows you to introspect. You will see the condition of your heart and this creates personal and spiritual awakening. In worship, you humbly confess your failures and mistakes, and at the same time experience  grace and love in trying times. Worship strengthens believers and renews their faith.

This act has plenty of benefits. You will experience joy, love and hope, when you allow yourself to worship. Always remember that worship is not just about joining church worship gatherings. It is a lifestyle that you maintain at all times, and a grateful, positive outlook in life.

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