Going on a roadtrip is a fun way to spend time outdoors. There doesn't have to be any specific destination; you can just decide to hop in the car and go. The journey is the fun part. What can make it even more fun is if you stop at a campsite and spend the night gathered round the fire.
Interested in planning your trip yet? Here are some ideas to make the experience memorable for the right reasons.
Your Vehicle Should be Ready
Remember that episode of The Big Bang Theory where our four beloved geeks end up burning a van they borrowed to have a bachelor party for Leonard in Vegas? That's not exactly the way you would like to spend your time outdoors. Make sure your vehicle is ready. Check the fluids, the tires, the fuel, etc. As a matter of fact, instead of settling for a cramped car, why not look for a used RV for sale in Arkansas from Moix RV and have a place to sleep safely when the campfire goes out? It's safe and convenient especially if you have kids with you.
Bring Food
It's fine to stop at a convenience store for chips, soda or beer, but stock up on some canned food while you're at it. If you have an RV with a cooler, you won't have any problem bringing some hotdogs and even marinated meat for your campfire barbecue. If you don't want to spend too much on food this is the way to go. If you have a budget, however, stick to trying the food at local places you visit.
Bring a Tent and Supplies
Unless you intend to stay in your RV or at hotels, a tent is always handy. Along with a tent, bring a backpack with the essentials. A thermal blanket or a poncho, a small emergency kit for wounds or insect bites, a Bic lighter, a flashlight with new batteries, a Swiss Army knife, a map, etc. Don't forget your phone and a powerbank for emergencies and for accessing online maps.
A roadtrip is fun when it just happens sans a plan, but it's safer if you're ready. The former is perfect when you're young, spontaneous, and just want the experience with friends, but the latter is a must if you have family with you.