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Machinist: A Promising Career

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Machinists Browse through job hunting websites and you would surely see an ad looking for machinist. Go to the careers section of your daily newspaper and chances are, you would see a company or two looking for machinist. If you were not familiar with the field, this would make you ask “What are machinists?”, “How do you become one?” and “Why are they so important?”

Walking the path

Like other professions, it takes academic training and hands-on experience to be an engineer. Academic institutions in Houston offer courses to become a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Machinist and other specialized branches of engineering. However, due to circumstances, the younger generation are not so keen on entering the engineering and the machining trade leading to the shortage of new skills and workforce. This is the reason why academic institutions that offer education and training in the machining field are of high quality.

Increasing demands

Students who are involved in the field of machinery and engineering have a bright future ahead of them, and they know it. Skilled machinists are close to retiring and it is up to the new generation to keep the ball rolling. The demand for such skills is not going down anytime soon, as machinists are needed in various fields of business.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in 2015, a machinist earns an average of $19.49 per hour or an annual income of $40,550. This rate is just for starters. A skilled and professional machinist who has a lot of experience in the field earns as much as $30 per hour. Different states also offer different wages for machinists. However, all states have high demands for such skill.

People get into the field for different reasons like passion, interest, or even the promise of a competitive salary. Despite the differences, one thing is clear. The skills should be passed down to the new generation to ensure the lineage of skilled American builders would continue to grow.


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